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Waikato Story - Hamilton City Council -



Find out who we are and what we fund to enable impact in our communities.


Who we are


Who we are

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Trust Waikato

Trust Waikato's vision is for vibrant and resilient Waikato communities. Our mission is to invest wisely, grant effectively and to be operationally agile to achieve transformational change for people, families, communities and places where the need is greatest.

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Hamilton City Council

Hamilton City Council exists to improve the wellbeing of those who live in Hamilton. The Council’s Community Grants support not-for-profit community organisations that deliver services that benefit the social, cultural and environmental wellbeing of communities in Hamilton.


Braemar Charitable Trust

Our Purpose is “Improving health in our communities”.

The Braemar Charitable Trust aims to improve health outcomes in the Waikato region by reducing health inequities and barriers to access, and ensuring its charitable activities are driven by community identified health needs both now and into the future. We seek to build strong partnerships and collaborations to achieve greater collective impact in terms of enabling families/whānau to improve their health and wellbeing  


Waitomo District Council

Waitomo District Council (WDC) provide funding and grants to our community with the goal of assisting Community Groups and Organisations within our district to deliver a range of social services that collectively contribute to the social and cultural well-being of the community.

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Waikato River Authority

The Waikato River Authority is an Iwi/Crown organisation that is dedicated to the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River and its catchment. The Authority has an annual funding round of $6 million, supporting projects that restore and protect the awa.


ANZ Staff Foundation

ANZ is one of New Zealand's leaders in payroll giving, with almost 2,000 staff contributing regular amounts from their after tax salaries and wages. ANZ New Zealand matches these contributions at a rate of $2 for every $1 donated by staff. All funds go to our charitable trust, the ANZ New Zealand Staff Foundation. Since inception in 2000, the ANZ New Zealand Staff Foundation has distributed over $8 million in community grants to more than 920 charities and community projects nationwide.

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Len Reynolds Trust

The Len Reynolds Trust has a vision for a Waikato where all children and young people are secure, resilient and thriving, to ensure they meet their full potential. We also work to protect and preserve the environment as a valuable taonga for future generations.


Momentum Waikato

Momentum Waikato exists to enable local philanthropy and lead transformational projects. Our role is to nurture our community’s strengths and assets. We connect generous charitable people with the work of proven changemakers for ‘A better Waikato for everyone, forever’.

Happy Childhood

Internal Affairs

The Department of Internal Affairs works with you, your community, hapū or iwi, and is guided both by their commitment to honour the Treaty of Waitangi obligations and their commitment to the principles of community-led development. For more information please see here.

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Creative Waikato

Creative Waikato exists to lead the elevation of creativity in the Waikato region and to collaborate to provide opportunities for cultural wellbeing. We administer the CNZ Creative Communities Scheme on behalf of Hamilton City Council to support local projects with arts outcomes. We can also assist with other planning and funding advice for a range of creative activities.


SkyCity Hamilton Community Trust

Established in accordance with SkyCity Hamilton's casino venue licence, the Trust has distributed a total of $9.71 million to more than 1,760 charitable organisations, both large and small, that have undertaken community assistance and development work in the greater Waikato area since 2003.

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DV Bryant Trust

The DV Bryant Trust directs its funding towards community groups in the Waikato region working with vulnerable or disadvantaged people to address inequity. It is the Trust's aspiration that all people living in the Waikato can live the life they choose without barriers created by the society they live in.

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WEL Energy Trust

WEL Energy Trust has a vision of a forward thinking, vibrant, connected community. Our mission is working together, working smarter, to grow investment and to unlock the powerful possibilities of community, now and into the future.

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Community Waikato

Community Waikato works alongside community organisations, trusts, Marae, and Maaori organisations in the Waikato to build thriving communities. We are local donation managers for Tindall Foundation funding for the Waikato region. The focus for this fund is for tamariki, rangatahi and their whaanau to be resilient, secure and thriving.

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Grassroots Trust

Grassroots Trust is dedicated to providing local funding to local communities.  We share your passion and enthusiasm for amateur sport, education and various charitable community initiatives and we’re here to help. Great care is taken to ensure funds granted are well used and for the authorised purpose, and many local communities have already benefited from a Grassroots Trust grant.  Grassroots Trust operates in accordance with the Gambling Act 2003 and is regulated by The Department of Internal Affairs.

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Ōtorohanga District Council

Ōtorohanga is a DYNAMIC, INCLUSIVE and UNIQUE district.  Councils Community Grants Fund supports not-for profit community groups and organisations to create a strong social, environmental, economic, and cultural base to meet local needs. A better future, together! He rautaki hei painga mō tātou āmuri ake nei

Who we are
What we fund


Funder priority areas 


Geographical area

Funding priorities

ANZ Staff Foundation

New Zealand-wide.

The Foundation supports registered New Zealand charities whose work fulfils one or more of the following purposes:

  • To assist in the promotion of financial literacy.

  • To provide opportunities for all New Zealanders to achieve economic and social independence.

  • To provide access to learning opportunities that prepare people for meaningful work and a high quality of life.

  • To assist people working together to create viable and secure communities.

  • To assist communities to conserve New Zealand’s natural and historic resources.

Find out more here. They also have specific funding support for both Cricket and Netball organisations.

Braemar Charitable Trust

Braemar Charitable Trust strives to make a meaningful and sustainable difference by funding initiatives that will achieve impactful health outcomes for the Waikato community, which covers the current Waikato District Health Board boundary.

  • Health related initiatives 

  • Enhancing the performance of Braemar Hospital as a “Centre of Excellence”;

  • Projects that make a difference to community health and wellbeing.

Creative Waikato

CNZ Creative Communities Scheme, for projects within the Hamilton City boundaries.

  • Access and participation: Create opportunities for local communities to engage with, and participate in local arts activities

  • Diversity: Support the diverse artistic cultural traditions of local communities

  • Young people: Enable young people (under 18 years) to engage with, and participate in the arts

Department of Internal Affairs

You can see the geographical funding area of the DIA here.

  • Lottery Waikato Funding Priorities 

  • Cogs priorities

DV Bryant Trust

The Waikato Regional Council region.

Strengthening communities in the Waikato through:

  • supporting children and youth,

  • innovative education initiatives 

  • projects addressing inequality.
    See more here.

Grassroots Trust

In general, funds will be distributed in the area in which they were generated. This is typically defined by territorial local authority (TLA) boundaries.


To see if there is a venue near you, please click here.

Grassroots Trust Limited is licensed to operate gaming machines to raise money for the following authorised purposes:

  • Amateur sport.

  • Any charitable purpose.

  • Any non-commercial purpose that is beneficial to the whole or a section of the community.

Our purpose is to support local communities to become vibrant, active and connected places and remove barriers to participate in sport and community activities.

Hamilton City Council

Within the Hamilton City Boundary. 

Community groups who provide services, programmes or activities that support the well-being of Hamiltonians. 

Len Reynolds Trust

The Len Reynolds Trust funds the wider Waikato Region - Coromandel, Thames, Whangamata, Whitanga, Waihi, Paeroa, Tairua, Kaiaua, Port Waikato, Te Kauwhata, Meremere, Pokeno, Rahui Pokeka/Huntly, Taupiri, Ngaruawahia, Kirikiriroa/Hamilton, Whaingaroa/Raglan, Kawhia, Taharoa, Ohaupo, Te Awamutu, Kihikihi, Cambridge, Otorohanga, Te Kuiti, Piopio, Mokau, Mangakino, Tokoroa, Putaruru, Tirau, Te Aroha, Matamata, Morrinsville, Taumarunui, Turangi - and everywhere in between!

  • Our vision is a wider Waikato where all children and young people are secure, resilient and thriving, to ensure they meet their full potential.

  • Our environmental goal is to protect and preserve the environment as a valuable taonga for future generations.

Momentum Waikato Community Foundation

The Momentum Waikato Community Foundation covers the Thames-Coromandel, Hauraki, Matamata-Piako, Waikato, Waipa, Otorohanga, Waitomo and South Waikato districts and Hamilton city. It includes land of Tainui, Waikato, Raukawa, Hauraki and Maniapoto iwi.

  • Creating positive social and environmental change.

  • Building community connectedness 

  • Enabling life and career pathways for youth.

  • Increasing access to affordable housing.

  • Empowering women and girls 
    See more here.

Ōtorohanga District Council

  • Align with and support Council’s Vision and Community Outcomes 

  • Get the community involved across a diverse range of people 

  • Advance collaboration across community sectors


Special Grants administered by Ōtorohanga District Council on behalf of external Organisations include

Creative Communities for Arts and cultural activities and Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund for Junior teams aged between 5-19 years, of school and club sports teams, to participate in local sporting competitions.

SkyCity Hamilton Community Trust

Funding support is provided to those in the area covered by Waikato Tainui.

SkyCity Hamilton Community Trust want to provide grants to support services and programmes that focus on community wellbeing (inclusive of rangatahi).

The Tindall Foundation (Community Waikato are the Regional Donation Managers)

The entire Waikato region.

  • Healthy and happy whaanau/families

  • Affordable, healthy, safe and violence-free homes

  • Whaanau/families have sufficient means to raise their tamariki/children.

  • Families get the support they need.

  • Rangatahi/young people are resilient, connected and able to participate

  • A gender-equal Aotearoa New Zealand
    See more here.

Trust Waikato

The Trust Waikato funding area incorporates Thames–Coromandel, Hauraki, Matamata–Piako, Waipa, Waikato, South Waikato, Waitomo, Otorohanga and Ruapehu districts, and Hamilton city. It includes land of Tainui, Waikato, Raukawa, Hauraki and Maniapoto iwi.​

  • Enhancing the wellbeing of children and whanau

  • Increasing resilience in rural/small communities

  • Initiatives that achieve positive outcomes for Maaori
    See more here.

Waikato River Authority

Initiatives that restore and protect the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River for future generations.

Waitomo District Council

  • Align and support WDC’s Community Outcomes

  • Contribute to and support the Vibrant Safe Waitomo Strategy

  • Strengthen participation across diverse communities

  • Work collaboratively across the community sectors

  • Facilitate and support strong and sustainable partnerships

Special Grants, Administered by WDC on Behalf of external Organisations:

  • Arts and cultural activities

  • Youth travel to local sport competitions

  • Social, educational, and recreational activities

WEL Energy Trust

Hamilton City, Huntly, Ngaruwahia, Raglan, Te Kauwhata and Meremere.

WEL Energy Trust are partnering to achieve regional priorities through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in these areas:

  • SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy)

  • SDG -9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

  • SDG-8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

  • SDG- 17 Partnership for the Goals

  • SDG-11 Sustainable City and Communities

  • SDG-3 Good Health and Wellbeing

  • SDG-13 Climate Action

  • SDG-10 Reduced Inequality

© 2023 Waikato Community Funders Group

Waikato, New Zealand

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