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Wednesday, 9 March 2022

9.00am - 2.00pm

Come meet the region's funders and give your project a lift! The Waikato Community Funding Expo is a great opportunity to talk to a range of funders all under the same roof. Come along and check out the stalls and attend one or more workshops. There's lots of practical advice, information and strategies to assist with your community group or project. Traditionally the expo has been held every two years. 

To ensure the safety and wellbeing of stallholders and community groups, we have decided to host the 2022 Waikato Community Funding Expo online only.

The usual workshops will be pre-recorded and available to watch anytime here.

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Meet with Waikato funders one-on-one via video conference on the day. 


There will still be a panel of funders hosted as a webinar via Zoom. 

Meet with Funders

Meet with Funders.

To try and maintain the benefit of having funders under one roof, the funders below will be available to meet via video conference at the allocated times on the expo date of Wednesday, 9 March 2022.

Community groups are encouraged to join the Zoom or Teams calls via the links below to connect with funders one-on-one.

WEL Energy Trust

WEL Energy Trust are available from 10.00am - 11.30am. 

Meeting ID: 890 9068 5921

Password: WEL

If you are not available at the time indicated above, please contact WEL Energy Trust's Grants and Partnerships Advisor, Shannon Clarke, by emailing or phone 021 911 361 with any queries.

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The Tindall Foundation (administered locally by Community Waikato)

The Tindall Foundation Waikato Regional Donation Managers are available from 10.00am - 12.00pm. 

Meeting ID: 854 7483 0883

Password: 294677

If you are not available at the time indicated above, please contact Sally Ridley by emailing with any queries.


DV Bryant Trust

DV Bryant Trust are available

from 10.00am - 10.40am. 

Meeting ID: 998 6919 9366

Password: amnBF4


If you are not available at the time indicated above, please contact the DV Bryant Trust Services Coordinator, Hannah Doughty, by emailing with any queries.

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SkyCity Hamilton Community Trust

SkyCity Hamilton Community Trust are available from

9.30am - 11.30am. 

If you are not available at the time indicated above, please contact the SkyCity Community Trust Manager by emailing with any queries.


The Department of Internal Affairs (DIA)

Haapai Hapori Community Advisors from DIA are available from 10.00am - 12.00pm. 

Meeting ID: 891 8382 4312

Password: 938766

If you are not available at the time indicated above, please contact DIA's Local Community Advisor by emailing or phone 0800 824 824 with any queries.

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Trust Waikato

Trust Waikato Grants Advisors are available from 11.00am - 12.30pm. 

Meeting ID: 856 8434 0442

Password: 151662

If you are not available at the time indicated above, please contact Trust Waikato's Grants Team by emailing or phone 0800 436 628 with any queries.


Grassroots Trust

Grassroots Trust are available

from 12.00pm - 1.00pm. 

Meeting ID: 861 0818 5734

Password: 333235


If you are not available at the time indicated above, please contact the Grants Team by emailing or phone 0800 957 960 with any queries.


ANZ Staff Foundation

ANZ Staff Foundation are available from 9.00am - 1.00pm. 

Conference ID: 136 921 236 3 

If you are not available at the time indicated above, please contact ANZ Staff Foundation by emailing Alternatively, you can contact Simon Cavanaugh directly by emailing or phone 027 295 0617 with any queries.

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Hamilton City Council

Hamilton City Council Funding Advisors are available from 9.30am - 10.00am and

12.00pm - 12.30pm.

Conference ID: 891 345 200#

If you are not available at the time indicated above, please contact Gary Ho, Funding Advisor by emailing or phone 027 808 2990 with any queries.


Creative Communities Scheme (CCS)
(administered locally by
Creative Waikato)

The Creative Waikato 

Funding Advisor is available

from 11.00am - 12.30pm.

Meeting ID: 812 8290 2162

Password: 413206

If you are not available at the time indicated above, please contact Adrienne Clothier by emailing or phone 0508 427 892 with any queries.

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Ōtorohanga District Council

Ōtorohanga District Council are available from 11.00am - 1.00pm.

If you are not available at the time indicated above, please contact the Group Manager Strategy and Community, Nardia Gower, by emailing or phone 027 278 8971 with any queries.


The Ministry for Ethnic Communities (MEC)

The Ministry for Ethnic Communities are available from 11.30am - 12.30pm. 

Meeting ID: 885 5641 4722

Password: 253868

If you are not available at the time indicated above, please contact MEC's Senior Community and Partnerships Advisor, Fungai Mhlanga, by emailing or phone 027 321 6386 with any queries.


Meet with
Capacity Builders

Community Waikato

Community Waikato Advisors and Kaiwhakarite are available from 9.30am - 12.00pm. 

Meeting ID: 977 0956 3710
Passcode: 996627

If you are not able to meet with any of the Community Waikato Advisors or Kaiwhakarite during these times, please contact Community Waikato on with your enquiry or you may like to go to the Community Waikato website and request advisory support for your organisation here

We work alongside groups and organisations understanding that you are the experts in what you do. We bring the resources and processes and the groups we work with hold the experience, knowledge and wisdom. 
Together we build on your strengths and develop your capacity.

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GO ECO are available from

11.30am - 12.30pm. 

If you are not available at the time indicated above, please contact the GO ECO Learning and Development Leader, Anna Casey-Cox, by emailing or phone 022 354 6550 with any queries.

Go Eco is a registered charity focused on enabling thriving communities supported by flourishing environments. We are a Tangata Tiriti organisation, giving priority to the promises of Te Tiriti and Climate Action. 

We provide support to environmental groups throughout the Waikato region who:

  • have goals aligned to ours 

  • who are not registered charities 

  • who do not wish to administer their own funds.

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Community Law Waikato

Community Law Waikato will

present from 10.00am - 10.45am.

If you are not available at the time indicated above, please contact the Community Law Waikato Community Liaison, Billie Dell, by emailing with any queries.

Community Law Waikato - Te Tari Ture ā-Hapori o Waikato, offers a range of law related services, including one-on-one free legal help, easy to read information, and community workshops.


Our purpose is to provide free legal help to those in the Waikato who would otherwise not have access. 

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© 2023 Waikato Community Funders Group

Waikato, New Zealand

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